Lofting Modeling

Object Settings

The setting method is the same as that under the revolution modeling module.

Base Settings

The setting method is the same as that under the revolution modeling module.


Under this module, you can exert greater design autonomy. You can draw the top and bottom shapes separately to generate more models you imagine. The B-spline curve fitting method is adopted and adjusted to ensure the accuracy of the graphics.


Click “Draw Contour” under the “Top Contour”, and the upper outline window will pop up to draw. Move the mouse cursor point to the drawing pane, click on the grid line, the software automatically generates the connection line, and finally combines it into the upper outline.

  • Close the curve formed by the drawn points.
  • The top and bottom contours are generated and displayed in the model.
  • Backward, undo the previous point.
  • Reset, clear all drawn points.
  • Random contour, enable random contours. After selecting the “Random Contour” option, you can adjust the degree of randomness. “Random Symmetry” can keep the contour as quadrant symmetry.

At the same time, during the drawing process, there are two options for the curve way of connecting points. One, by fitting the curve to make the contour smoother. When drawing, click the left mouse button for each point. As shown below:

In the second, straight lines are used to connect adjacent points, and only rounded transitions are used at the corners. When drawing, double-click with the left mouse button at the first point that forms the line. As shown below:

Draw the contour of the lower base in the same way as the upper base.

After the upper and lower bottom surfaces are drawn, click Generate to get the expected model.


Object Settings

Base Settings
